An incredibly sexy evening xx

She looked amazing, absolutely oozing sex appeal and so so desirable!! Kaylee had just arrived at my hotel bedroom door, precisely on time and looking exactly as we’d agreed, dressed as a sophisticated street whore. A tight red satin basque top, short tarty black mini skirt, black sheer stockings and red high heeled ankle strap stilettos completed the stunning tarty look. Kaylee’s tall, well in her heels really tall but her slim feminine shapely body and legs that men can only dream off and I just knew, that moment, that I’d made the right decision and that the evening was, I’m sure, going to live up to all mine, and, hopefully, Kaylee’s too.

I first noticed her on a well know ‘sex site’ more than a year ago and was immediately attracted by her gorgeous pics and very interesting profile which piqued my curiosity even more. Like, probably most ‘contacts’ on this site, it started quite slowly (well the contacts I’ve made anyway but I’m sure some girls are more gung-ho!!!) and a shared interest in popular music helped together with a great openness as regards our mutual sexual preferences and desires. I think we got on really well and although she lived quite some distance from me, I was aware that, now and again, she did come to Bristol for what Kaylee called her ‘fun and relaxation’ time! following the comments in her ‘verifications’ with jealous interest. Unfortunately I didn’t meet two or three of Kaylee’s strict ‘requirements’ insomuch as I was certainly over her age limit and wasn’t terribly well endowed (well not in the over seven and a half inch league) so I didn’t really rate my chances when I noticed that she was coming to Bristol in a couple of weeks time which just so happened that it coincided with my wife taking a short break in Spain.

Well you can imagine how pleased (and nervous) I was when she agreed to spend an evening with me and that’s how I came to be stood in my hotel bedroom with an incredibly beautiful woman called Kaylee.

We’d discussed, intimately and in great detail, how the evening was to play out and the scenario which we’d both agreed on. One of her requests was to be ‘fitted’ with her stainless steel hook, bound, left and abused ‘mildly’ during the evening and we’d also agreed that regardless of her pleadings only on the word ‘watermelon’ or an agreed visual sign, would things come to a conclusion. I must confess that the overwhelming desire, on my part at least, was just to get her into bed, kiss those beautiful red lips and let what thoughts, desires and wishes wash over us both however, Kaylee obviously had other designs on the evening’s ‘entertainment’ and had soon disgorged onto the bed a whole cacophony of sexual ‘tools’, implements and, what looked like, some seriously looking surgical equipment. Kaylee was on a sexual high, that much I was sure off and was soon explaining what each piece was to be used for and how.

Kaylee slipped of her skirt, which didn’t take a second as it wasn’t much more material than a handkerchief exposing even yet more delights in the form of her beautiful caged cock. I must confess that I’d never seen one before and, once again I have to admit that, not only did it massively turn me on even more than I was already, but also, in a strange way it looked natural and very very feminine, if that’s the right word. So sweet, pink plastic with a lovely little miniature lock, really erotic and sexy! Kaylee led prostrate on the bed and went from being totally in control of the scenario to one of complete submissiveness in a matter of seconds. Already planned in detail, I knew instantly what to do next and applied myself to the task, first easing her long legs apart and manacling her ankles to the extended stretcher bar, then after applying copious lubricant to her ‘pussy’ before very gently and carefully inserting the spherical stainless steel hook end into her, fully, until the connecting shaft sat deeply into the crevice of her pert buttocks. Next the waist belt was fastened tightly, her hands, again manacled, fastened to the top of the bed and finally her mouth gag fitted. I must say that for my first venture into ‘dom’ BDSM I was very impressed with my efforts, she looked amazing and by the smile on Kaylee’s face she too was a very happy bunny.

Apart from Kaylee’s and my-selves initial introductions and the describing of the application of her sex ‘tools’ we hadn’t really had much to say to each other, me, probably somewhat nervous and Kaylee, on her sexual high, more intent with getting bound and gagged however as she was now more or less completely subjugated and at my mercy, it was now time for me to relax and enjoy her. I’d had an erection even before Kaylee had arrived and my cock was now rock hard and aching to be sucked so I released Kaylee’s mouth gag and one of her wrist manacles and offered my cock to her which she took willingly into her red lipsticked mouth. I’d noticed that on fab she’d had glowing commendations regarding her oral skills and I can confirm that even in her submissive and restrained position she was, like her looks, amazing!!! I’d promised myself to try and control any feeling of ejeculation and I ‘sort’ of succeeded, only a little pre cum, eagerly lapped up by Kaylees red lips xx Whilst Kaylee was sucking me off I very gently started spanking her pert hooked bum with a wooden handled paddle and, with every stroke, her lips tensed around my cock. Wonderful!!!

Part of the ‘arrangement’ we’d both agreed on was that, at some time during the evening, I would leave Kaylee, manacled and ‘hooked’ for a unspecified time during the evening before returning to her. I reaffixed the manacles, refitted her mouth gag and, basically, left her and went downstairs to the bar for a relaxing beer. The bar wasn’t that busy, considering it was a Saturday night, mostly men of the travelling salesmen type and a couple of couples. Sitting quite near to me were a couple who seemed quite keen to talk although I must confess I wasn’t that keen as I did have ‘other’ things on my mind however they were were quite nice and friendly, so what!! They introduced themselves as Jerome and Linda who were from Nottingham, down here on a business studies course and work colleagues, just good friends, although I thought they were a bit more than that! Jerome was black, about thirty five, well built and actually quite handsome, think Idris Elba and Linda was probably a bit younger, pretty, blonde, petite with a lovely figure.

Well, without getting to far in front of ourselves, we soon hit it off and I got the distinct impression that Linda was on ‘offer’ if you know what I mean and I was flustering a bit as to why I wasn’t so keen on what was being offered to me on a plate in the form of Linda. Well you can guess what happened next, insomuch as I let slip that I had a friend ‘upstairs’ waiting for me and, of course, this just piqued their curiosity even more and before I knew it I was opening room 316 door and ushering Linda and Jerome in. The gorgeous Kaylee was still exactly as I’d left her and apart from a wide eyed look seemed to take the unfolding scenario in her stride. The three of us sat on the available chairs, Jerome nearest Kaylee and Linda and myself on the low sofa. Linda was obviously up for it and was soon undoing my trousers fumbling for my cock, which was well hard and soon had it in her mouth sucking like a Dyson. Jerome wasn’t going to be left out and quickly undid Kaylee’s gag, dropped his trousers and briefs and pulled out the biggest, hardest black cock I’d seen in ages, at least a good eight or nine inches and without further ado offered it to Kaylees gaping lustful open lips, the smile on her face a picture to behold.

Linda’s skirt was short, I’d not really noticed quite how short, which was unusual for me and I soon discovered when my fingers started exploring, that her beautiful shaven pussy wasn’t wearing any knickers either. Jerome and Kaylee were getting on fine and between breaks in devouring Jerome huge cock she asked to be released using the word “watermelon” which pulling Linda off my cock, I did, the three of us all transfixed as I very carefully eased her hook out of her beautiful pert pussy. Kaylee was much, much more, vocal now and she gave me a big kiss, thanking me for bringing back Jerome, who was all over her like a rash. Out came the KY, on went the rubber, down she bent, offering herself, and Jerome was soon fucking Kaylee with his stiff hard cock, who was moaning a bit too loud for me, nervous me wondering if it would attract attention. Linda didn’t seem to be very concerned however and was soon spread-eagled on the bed that Kaylee had just vacated pulling her pussy lips apart and begging me to fuck her hard. Well I did my very best, and she was a good fuck, I’ll admit, but I just couldn’t keep me eyes off Kaylee and also couldn’t help wishing that I was fucking her, not Jerome. It was the beautiful Kaylee I wanted, not Linda!!!

Jerome was going at Kaylee’s ass like a fucking machine and I’m not sure she was enjoying it quite as much as when he’d started about thirty or forty minutes earlier, Jerome’s stamina something to behold and when she mouthed the word ‘watermelon’ to me again, I knew what I had to do and, uncoupling myself from Linda’s embrace, I subtly suggested to Jerome that Linda, who was still lying, pussy completely exposed, on the bed was still available for some cock and with a nod, pulled his cock out of her pussy, walked over, pulled off his rubber and was soon giving Linda’s pussy the same fucking that he’d given Kaylee. I the took the beautiful Kaylee in my arms, kissed her and couldn’t stop myself from telling her how amazing she was and how proud I was off her.

Linda devoured Jerome’s cock and was soon writhing on the bed in multiple orgasms with Jerome finally emptying his huge load over Linda’s pussy and belly, leaving both of them completely exhausted and spent. Kaylee and myself watched enthralled as Jerome finished off Linda, holding each other tight. Within minutes both Linda and Jerome had left us, thanking us and all the usual platitudes about meeting again, and we both collapsed onto the, by now, well used bed.

It was already quite late now but we led on the bed talking till at least two in the morning before Kaylee, playing, caressing and sucking my cock and edging me till I was nearly mad with sexual pleasure before finally sucking my cock to completion, my spunk dribbling from her lips, my wonderful night brought to a beautiful conclusion.
Опубликовано Choplanski
9 мес. назад
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кому: Choplanski : Thanks look foreward to it 
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кому: colin51 : I’ll write it down and send you it xx
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кому: Choplanski : Hope we are going to hear about it 
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кому: colin51 : I had another meet with Kaylee about two weeks ago xx amazing xx
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Very horny ,would love to meet someone like her 
кому: Choplanski : 👌🏼I hope it goes well
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кому: Fella-tor : Yes, I am xx a lot xx
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кому: Choplanski : That’s something to look forward to
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кому: Fella-tor : I’m hopefully seeing her again in a couple of weeks xxx
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кому: Choplanski : It certainly sounds as if she was xx
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кому: Fella-tor : Yes kaylee was amazing xx
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A very erotic, varied evening for all concerned 
кому: Naughtynev69 : Thank you darling xx I did enjoy it ❤️
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