Wife "over 100 lovers" admission

My wife basically is, and always has been, a slag. I don't use that word ever, as it's a derogatory term, but the hard fact is she definitely qualifies as a slag to most men.

The other day we had a long conversation about ex partners, lovers, one night stands etc. Now don't get me wrong, I'm fully aware of my wife's sexual activity both before and since we married. We are lucky, we suit each other. I give her the freedom to fuck others (because I get off on it) and she appreciates the freedom and the sex.

It was quite easy to work out how many lovers she has had since we got together. Taking into account one night stands and "boyfriends" she has fucked 23 men, that's over 15 years. Some have had her many times, others on girls nights out, parties, and holidays, as one offs. Older and younger. But then we got talking and thinking about before we got together......

The first thing she said was " well you know there was loads" and I was aware that she had been with many, men and boys, since starting quite early. I asked her how many would she guess? "Hundreds" she said ...... I laughed. " It can't be that many" I said. Think about it. How many before you were 18? After some thought she said "it must be at least 25 before then. At least". Ok I said, now think about 18 to about 25 or 30 ..... She sat back in the chair, thinking ..... "Omg there were loads" she said. For example, the holidays! Tell me about the holidays I said.

Well you know what girls are like abroad she said, carefree and drunk. She went on .... so on one Málaga holiday I slept with 11 boys/ men. Really?? I said. Yes, she replied, I know because we all added them up on the plane coming home. I had the most, but the others all had 5 plus in a week. I actually had 3 in one day she giggled. (WHAT ??) ......And there were 2 or 3 holidays or short breaks each year. So you can see how it adds up. And then there's the lads back home..... I didn't often have regular boyfriends for long because I liked going out with the girls, and obviously doing that meant we met lots of guys. Most of us would fuck on the first night, often a one off. So you can see it's difficult to know how many over the years. But it's got to be over 100..... gosh does that sound bad?? I laughed, "depends how you look at it really" I said. "did anyone ever call you a slag?" She laughed! " we used to call each other slags!" "and i suppose we were. It doesn't bother me, I'm your slag now haha". I said you certainly are my slag, and still fucking other guys too!! "I must be a super slag by now haha" she laughed.

The whole conversation had turned me on. Soon I was fucking her on the sofa. As I fucked her she kept saying "I'm a slag. I'm your slag" I loved to hear her saying it ...... and she really sounded proud of it. I rammed my cock into her thinking about all the other guys who had done the same ..... It wasn't long before I shot my spunk deep inside her, just like many have done before.

I hope she continues to be my slag for a long time.
Опубликовано Cardiff65
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What a wonderful wife! I think lots of men have got the subject onto past sexual encounters while we're in the middle of fucking the woman/women in our lives, Some of us, like you and myself, have done it while another mans cum is fresh inside her and making her cunt feel so slippery and good for our eager cocks. A fave story :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: